Our wonderful volunteer Dee Anderson has been a huge support to our with disabled children ATE since the very beginning. She first came to Lawra in 2014, when we had 30 children gathering in a rented room once and month, and now, with her help, we run a vibrant programme for 600 disabled children and their carers. Our transformational SNAP work gets disabled children into school, gets them the healthcare they need, and enables them to laugh with their friends. We’ve even got 7 of our disabled children into apprenticeships – something we wouldn’t have believed was possible 10 years ago.
This year in particular, funding is really tight. Demand for our services is rocketing and the cost of living crisis in the UK makes it harder and harder to find donations for our important work. So, Dee has taken funding for SNAP into her own hands!
Last Thursday, we gathered in her garden on a beautiful sunny evening, for a bowl of soup and an elderflower cordial with friends. Everyone brought a raffle prize for a fun raffle (everyone’s a winner!) at the end of the night, and we all gave a small donation to say thank you for the soup.
Amazingly, Dee raised £535! An incredible amount of money. Dee is donating it to directly fund 3 months of life saving medication for our 37 epileptic children, and using the remaining £200 to buy toys for our disabled children to play with. A huge impact from a lovely evening.
Another beautiful impact is that Dee’s friend has offered to run a similar evening for her own friends and neighbours, we are so grateful for this and so excited to reach a new network of potential supporters!
Could you consider hosting a small event at home to raise some money for our children in Ghana? If you would, let us know if we can help! We’re always keen to come along and meet new people – we’ll even help you wash up!
Huge thanks to wonderful Dee for being a superstar volunteer. We couldn’t do this work without our community, and we’re grateful for every person who helps to keep ATE going.
Enjoy these fab photos of our brilliant work in Ghana that will be impacted by the wonderful fundraising below!