Ways to make a difference
There are so many ways for you to raise funds for ATE and help us continue delivering our important, impactful programmes in Upper West Ghana. No matter how you choose to support us, your support is vital.
If you’d like to make a donation:
- A direct bank transfer can be made to: Action Through Enterprise, Sort code: 30-92-63, Account number: 35549160
- Cheques can be made payable to Action Through Enterprise and sent to 5 Popham Close, Chilton Foliat, Wiltshire RG17 0WG
- Go to bit.ly/ATEdonation to donate through Stripe.
We’ve selected some of our most popular ways to support us below, but please do get in contact at admin@ateghana.org if you need any help!

Donate monthly
You can set up a monthly donation at the form here, through Stripe. Alternatively, send your name and address to admin@ateghana.org and we will send you a Monthly Donation Form to complete.

Make a one-off donation
Donations made by credit or debit card can be made here and are processed through Stripe.
A direct bank transfer can be made to: Action Through Enterprise, Sort code: 30-92-63, Account number: 35549160
Cheques made payable to Action Through Enterprise can be sent to 5 Popham Close, Chilton Foliat, Wiltshire RG17 0WG
If you would like more information on the running and impact of our projects, please get in touch at admin@ateghana.org and we’d be happy to help.

Become a community advocate
If you’d be interested in advocating for ATE in your community, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch at admin@ateghana.org

Become a corporate sponsor
Please send all enquiries to sarah@ateghana.org.

Organise your own fundraiser
It can be as big or as small as you like, from a charity football tournament to a coffee morning with your best friends! Fundraising dinners hosted to ‘Eat for ATE’ have been a great success and enormous fun in the past.
If you’d like any support or ideas to get you started, please get in touch at admin@ateghana.org.

Leave a gift for ATE in your will
To discuss leaving a gift in your will, please contact Sarah on sarah@ateghana.org.