Bringing disabled children into the light“Before SNAP I was having really negative thoughts, thinking it was a ritual sickness put on Joel. Now, people in the community respect me and my child, and they treat us like others in society.”
Patience, mother of Joel, who now attends a special school
Life can be tough in Upper West Ghana – and for disabled children and their carers it can be brutal. Stigma, isolation and abuse combine to make their lives unimaginably difficult, with parents even encouraged to abandon their children. Action Through Enterprise’s Special Needs Awareness Programme (SNAP) is changing that.
SNAP gives disabled children the chance to be part of society, transforming their lives and those of their families. We run monthly meetings in their villages, provide medication, health insurance, mobility equipment, learning, play – and lots of laughter and love. Today, 600 children and carers are supported by our dedicated team, and the impact is profound.
Children once hidden indoors now walk and talk. Children once written off are attending school or learning a trade. Mothers once isolated are sharing experiences and being part of the community.
Last year, we ran 69 meetings across six villages in Lawra District, provided 300 health insurance renewals, supported ten children into special school, 89 into mainstream education and made almost 600 home visits, ensuring no-one is left behind. As part of our expansion to Nandom District, we will be launching a new SNAP group, bringing hope to the disabled children there.
“The main reason I love SNAP meetings is seeing others with disabled children means I know I am not alone. Others have the same children, and they are happy! I learn new things, I worry much less, life has improved.”
Tierto, mother of two disabled children

Registered charity number: 1149988