We are really sad to announce that we are vacating our Ramsbury Office on 1stSeptember 2021. Due to financial pressure, we are simply not able to afford a a UK office at this time.
We love having a workspace in the middle of this wonderful community, and being able to connect with so many very generous people who donate their time and money to support our work, but tough decisions must be made to ensure that we can continue our life saving work in Ghana.
Please don’t forget us! Our 3 UK staff will now be working from home. We are as busy as ever and would love to hear from you.
Sarah Gardner can be contacted on 07909 091920 and sarahg.ghana@gmail.com.
All post should be sent to:
Action Through Enterprise, 23 Ramsbury Drive, Hungerford, RG17 OSG
Thank you so much for all of your support.