With your support, Action Through Enterprise is enabling 29 young women to attend Senior High School – all the first in their family to do so – including two girls we’ve been working with in our SNAP disability programme. We are so proud of everything they have already achieved – and excited about what they will achieve in the future.

We are so proud of Lucy and Betty, sisters from remote Biro, the first girls in their family to go to Senior High School. They are both super bright and diligent, determined to do their best. Lucy sits her final exams this year, Betty has just began her 3 year SHS journey. They are absolutely amazing young women.
Our Girls to School project makes it possible for girls from incredibly poor homes to complete education. Girls like Lucy and Betty who have grown up without eating every day, with long walks to school, and have achieved good enough grades to go on to senior high school against all odds.
It’s just £300 a year to get a girl to school, and it completely transforms her life and future opportunities. We have 29 girls in this programme and hope to significantly expand it later this year – so many children need support at this stage of life.
If you can give £25 a month (or £300 a year!) to make it possible for girls like Lucy and Betty to get to school, please get in touch. Without your donations, none of this is possible.
Click here for a fantastic report on this project in full: Girls to SHS Report FINAL
Thank you.